The Upper Hutt Connection – Blog

The Upper Hutt Connection – Blog

Welcome to The Upper Hutt Connection’s blog page. Here you can view updates (not the Wednesday update) and the occasional non-news related posts that I share at times.

Cheers, Ben Knowles – Editor / Operator @ The Upper Hutt Connection

A small (actually quite big) change to opinion pieces – makes it easier for everybody

Hi everyone

Just a small change to the opinion section. I no longer require your first and last name!

Now I give you the option of giving your initials, or you can give your first and last name if you prefer that approach.

I’ll also be putting the opinion pieces up all on the one page. Thinking of calling it Community Commentary.

Cheers, Ben Knowles – Editor / Operator @ The Upper Hutt Connection

Switching from xtra email? Please let me know

Hi everyone

I know that Spark has begun charging for xtra email addresses, and I might be right in assuming why some on my mailing list are now bouncing back my update email.

If you are one of these, and you’d like to continue receiving the Wednesday update, then please consider sending me your new email. Let me know your old xtra one and I’ll take it down.

Cheers, Ben Knowles – Editor / Operator @ The Upper Hutt Connection

The Upper Hutt Connection Article Submission group on Facebook

30th of April, 2024

Hi everyone

I’ve started up a local Facebook group to make it easier to send article to The Upper Hutt Connection. It’s a private group but it’s free to join, nothing further required than you being present on Facebook. Designed to be a place for general news, sports news, community events, etc. No whinge posts here.

Cheers, Ben Knowles – Editor / Operator @ The Upper Hutt Connection.

An easier way to make Neenish Tarts (and other tarts)

The Upper Hutt Connection

Hi everyone – not an article but something interesting for those who have tried making the Neenish Tarts recipe I put up a little while ago.

I was reading an Alison Holst recipe for them and she mentions how to form the dough into a log/cylinder and then slice it. It saves having to roll out the dough and shape them using a cutter. Quoting from the recipe in her “Chocolate Temptations” cookbook.

Form into a cylinder about 6cm in diameter and chill for 15 minutes to firm up. Slice the chilled dough into 3mm thick rounds, and press evenly into shallow, well sprayed, patty tins.

Personally I don’t use non-stick spray, as the tin already has a good non-stick coating. Otherwise I’d use a smidge of butter to grease them

Might make making tarts a less daunting prospect. I’m sure it will to me!

Cheers, Ben Knowles – Editor / Operator @ The Upper Hutt Connection

A preview for what’s to come in the baking section

16th of April, 2024

Hi everyone, as you might have guessed, one of my hobbies is doing home baking. Generally making existing recipes better for my diabetes by reducing the sugar content, but also making new variations of my own – This week’s one is a variation on the Belgian Slice, using a plain version of the dough without the spices added, to make an apricot slice. My inspiration coming from the Ernest Addams Apricot Slice and wondering if I could do a home-made version of it.

Anyway, for an idea of things to come in the baking section, here are some ideas of what I’m planning on trying over the next few months, rest of the year, whatever. If they are a success, I’ll put them up.

Cherry Ripe Tarts: Taking inspiration from the Cadbury Cherry Ripe bars. Planned to have a filling of drained bottled cherries, cherry/berry jam, and coconut, along with a chocolate icing.

Mocha Biscuits: Self explanatory. Biscuits flavoured with instant-coffee along with a chocolate icing.

Pinã colada Slice: A plain slice, with a filling of crushed pineapple, rum, and coconut.

Chocolate Peppermint Tarts: Similar to a Neenish Tart but having peppermint essence instead of vanilla essence in the filling. Adding cocoa to the tart shells and having a chocolate icing.

Cheers, Ben Knowles – Editor / Operator @ The Upper Hutt Connection.

Crediting photos

16th of April, 2024

Hi everyone, just a note about crediting photos.

I recently came across a photo being used when advertising an ANZAC related event. I was under the impression that the person providing the article hadn’t taken it (possibly a stock image), but I have no clue where it came from.

When this is the case when it comes to images and photos where I’m quite uncertain of their source, or “a source”, I’ll simply credit them with “unknown” from now on.

Cheers, Ben Knowles – Editor / Operator @ The Upper Hutt Connection

Do you know what’s going on in Upper Hutt? I’d like to hear from you!

The Upper Hutt Connection – Ben Knowles

Do you know what’s going on in Upper Hutt?

General news, sports news, community events, garage sales, etc? Well, I’d love to hear about it. I have a new section on latest news page, where you can just fill out a form with all the info in it, and then have it immediately emailed to me! – You can find the link at the top of the Latest News page.

I look forward to hearing from you if you have anything for the people of Upper Hutt to know about.

Cheers, Ben Knowles – Editor / Operator @ The Upper Hutt Connection.

A trip to Cannon Point

Dated: 11th of March, 2024

Not really news, so keeping this just to the blog.

Took a break from doing the website this morning to do the Cannon Point track, starting from the Bridge Road / Birchville Dam entrance and coming out at Totara Park. Certainly not the kind of thing I’d do every week (or every year), but it’s nice to do it for a change of scenery.

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