Tie game between Upper Hutt City Football’s Women’s First Team vs. North Wellington on Sunday

Tie game between Upper Hutt City Football’s Women’s First Team vs. North Wellington on Sunday

Upper Hutt City Football

Women’s Cap Prems: UH Women’s 1sts (1) v N Wellington (1)

It was down to Maidstone yesterday on a glorious afternoon to watch our Women’s First team in action against North Wellington.

An absolutely thrilling game from beginning to end! Becky Stewart got Upper Hutt on the score sheet with a free kick 3 minutes after the game started. The equaliser from North Wellington came in the 74th minute.

A Big thank you to Murray for the wonderful food cooked up for the after match, Connor for manning the bar, and Ken Matheson for officiating the game!

Upper Hutt City Football submitted this article to The Upper Hutt Connection.


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