What’s new at Monterey Cinemas? Week starting 6/06/2024

What’s new at Monterey Cinemas? Week starting 6/06/2024

Hamare Baarah / Rode College / The Shawshank Redemption: Monterey Cinemas Upper Hutt

Hamare Baarah

Hamare Baarah

Running time: 148 minutes

Rated: M (Offensive language & suicide references)

“Hamare Baarah” delves into the poignant tale of Manzoor Ali Khan Sanjari, played by Annu Kapoor, who relentlessly pursues fathering more children despite risks. When his daughter Alfiya, fueled by a desire to save her stepmother, challenges him in court, the narrative confronts patriarchy’s grip. Will Alfiya sway her father or the court? Will her stepmother support her? As the story unfolds, it probes the repercussions of unchecked population growth and the resilience needed to challenge ingrained societal norms. Through poignant storytelling, “Hamare Baarah” sparks reflection on the consequences of patriarchal mindsets amidst the urgency of addressing population explosion.

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Rode College

Rode College

Running time: 168 minutes

Rated: TBC

“Rode College” is a student-oriental and Political Drama film, inspired by the real events of Rode College Moga, Punjab.

“Preet”– 26, an undercover intelligence officer gets admission as a student to Rode College on a secret mission to expose a mastermind, corrupt politician “Gurtej” assumed to be associated with international criminals.

Preet finds that Gurtej the native politician has a strong grip on youth – gangsters, businessmen and college students. However, the narrative revolves in a manner where Gurtej overpowers Preet. To resolve the mission Preet creates a revolutionary moment alongside students against Gurtej.

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The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption

Running time: 142 minutes

Rated: RP16 (Violence)

Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency.

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Hamare Baarah / Rode College / The Shawshank Redemption: Monterey Cinemas Upper Hutt

Monterey Cinemas Upper Hutt submitted this article to The Upper Hutt Connection.


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