Check your medication – Concerns that a deadly synthetic opioid is present in fake anxiety medication

Check your medication – Concerns that a deadly synthetic opioid is present in fake anxiety medication

Drug Information and Alerts Aotearoa New Zealand (DIAANZ)

On t 19th of April, the synthetic opioid, N-Desethyletonitazene was found to be present in a blue coloured pill, masquerading as the anxiety medication Diazepam. These pills are believed to have been circulating in Wellington and the Bay of Plenty.

There are concerns that anyone who took the blue pills, believing them to be Diazepam could become seriously ill, or die, from an overdose.

Those who have taken the pills may experience the following symptoms:

  • Feeling euphoric
  • Sedation or drowsiness
  • Temporary relief of pain, stress, or low mood
  • Slowed or difficulty breathing
  • Blue lips or fingertips
  • Cold and clammy skin
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Seizures
  • Becoming unresponsive or losing conciousness

Please take your drugs to be tested at a Know Your Stuff event.

Source: Stuff
