Budget error by Wellington Water has cost councils a bill of $51,000,000 over three years

Budget error by Wellington Water has cost councils a bill of $51,000,000 over three years

Pixabay: Carola68

At a meeting on Friday (24th of May), board member Pat Dougherty apologised on behalf of the organisation.

The mayors of the local councils are not impressed. Porirua Mayor, Anita Baker was furious and asked Wellington Water how long they had known of this error, when she said that she understands that they knew of it three or four weeks ago.

Upper Hutt Mayor, Wayne Guppy says that he’s “not surprised” by this. Going on to say that “This organisation has gone from crisis to crisis”

An independent inquiry is to be carried out to discover how this error came about and why it took so long for the error to be noticed.

Source: New Zealand Herald


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