A message from the council: Amendment to Upper Hutt City Council letter of support for Fast Track

A message from the council: Amendment to Upper Hutt City Council letter of support for Fast Track

Upper Hutt City Council

Upper Hutt City Council sent an amended letter to Ministers yesterday in support of Guildford Timber Company’s (GTC) application for a Fast Track application for the Silverstream Forest Development.

The original letter was sent on 2 May.

The updated letter sent to Ministers Chris Bishop, Simeon Brown, and Shane Jones clarified Council’s support, in principle, for the GTC’s Fast Track application.

CE Geoff Swainson says Council has long been in support of development in the Southern Growth Area, which will provide more houses as Upper Hutt continues to grow.

Council understands the development could provide between 1500-2040 new homes in the Southern Growth Area of Upper Hutt.

“On current projections, Upper Hutt will grow by approximately 24,000 people and require around 10,400 new dwellings by 2051,” he says.

“Development along the Southern Growth Area presents an opportunity to potentially cater for the planned growth in Upper Hutt and wider region.”

As the owner of the Silverstream Spur, Council previously agreed, in principle, to provide the necessary approval for access to the Silverstream Forest at Kiln Street via a roading and infrastructure corridor through the Spur.

“Council has worked with GTC to plan for the use of the land for housing for more than 17 years.”

Swainson says a Fast Track consenting application by GTC would not impact the RMA plan-making process that Council must follow in relation to Plan Change 49 and Variation 1.

This includes awaiting the Independent Hearing Panel recommendations on the plan provisions before making Council decisions.

This article has been reproduced from upperhuttcity.com


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