Review: Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster

Review: Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster

Note: The following review contains spoilers.

Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster. Steam, Square-Enix, 2022
Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster. Steam, Square-Enix, 2022

This is about as close as you can get now to the original Final Fantasy VI, unless playing it on the original Super Nintendo, or the release on the original PlayStation.

Features which have stood out to me are

  • Easier to switch espers between characters. You no longer have to physically equip and unequip between each character. It will just happen automatically when you select a new esper to equip.
  • The scene at the opera house is now fully voiced. Celes doesn’t sound like an opera singer, but what do you expect when she isn’t supposed to be the “real” Maria?
  • The backgrounds in the battles are more detailed than they were, and the backgrounds in scenes like the mountain areas have been redone. On Mt. Zozo you see the town in the background, the same for Narshe.
  • All of the music has also be redone, for example “Save Them!” which plays during the battle in the Narshe cliffs, now has a bridge of the overworld theme before coming back into the original track.
  • Scenes which were supposed to be showing the mine cart out of the Magitek Research Facility have also been updated, now showing clearly the tracks and the girders in the scene. Unlike in the original where it seemed more to the imagination to see what was going on.

I strongly recommend Final Fantasy VI: Pixel Remaster if you’ve played the original game, and you have memories of it. You’ll find it the closest to the original, while having some cool new features.
