Saving the Planet: 90’s Style

Saving the Planet: 90’s Style

Developer: MoonWolfV

Rated: PG – Low level animated violence


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Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Ice!… Lightning…? Wait a minute, that doesn’t seem right.  I’m sure there were only five, Heart was in there somewhere, and isn’t there supposed to be a Captain in all this?

Six young adults have been entrusted with six elemental rings from the planet. These six have great concern for the planet when the rest of the world has become largely blasé to the whole idea. While most are just going about living their normal lives, there are a few out there who only see the world, and those that they can exploit, as things for their own financial gain.

These villains include:

Forrest Laisey:

An elderly man who runs a carbon offsets business but for some reason every tree he plants only withers and dies.

Lassaye Faire:

An architect who’s notorious for doing her buildings on the cheap, cutting corners and then pocketing the difference.

Looten… er, Fraude Shakedon:

Owns the electric vehicle company, Shakedown Motors. The rich all over the world want to buy his electric cars, but these profits never help the workers. His workers are lucky to live to see their first pay check.

Crypticia Feede:

A skilled business woman who has acquired all but the most independent of the food and apparel industries on the planet.

Faik Doubledeal:

The world’s most famous spokesman. Tells lesser developed countries what to do, when his country isn’t doing it.

Deceitia Greene:

Runs the company DG Petrochemicals. She has a love for the environment but something really seems to bothering her lately. And that has been impacting her ability to keep any oil spills, which come from her wells and refineries, under control.

Saving the Planet: 90’s Style

A tribute to Captain Planet and the Planeteers, Created by Ted Turner and Barbara Pyle.


Just thought I’d include this as a little warning: The whole world is accessible from the very beginning, if you’re looking for a winnable battles, then just focus around the area that the destination locator is positioned at.

Oh, and level the party up until Peter learns “Rain”, this makes early battles much easier, as it heals all allies.

Cheers, MoonWolfV