Every Vote Counts

Every Vote Counts


Developer: MoonWolfV

Rated: PG – Low level animated violence

Download at: https://moonwolfv.itch.io/every-vote-counts

Amonena, a country with a very strange constitution.

Due to a strange loophole in Amonena’s constitution, a cat has been elected as their head of state. When that law was passed, nobody ever thought that someone would nominate an animal as Prime Minister, and when the cat was sworn in, nobody seemed to care. However, things have now gone downhill in the corridors of parliament.

Now nobody can see the Prime Minister, they can only see it’s deputy, Weston. The person who nominated the cat in a moment of apathy has also realised their mistake, and decides to head to parliament to talk with the leader of the opposition, Penny Bradelgast. Simply to offer their services… of course, they’d never tell Miss. Bradelgast that THEY were the one who nominated that cat in the first place!