Indie Game Development in Upper Hutt

Indie Game Development in Upper Hutt

Submit your game by filling out the form below.

Hi everyone, welcome to the new indie game development section on The Upper Hutt Connection. This section has been made to encourage the development of indie video games in Upper Hutt.

If you’d like to promote a project you’ve been working on, you can post it freely here. Please note that I do not have the systems to allow games to be uploaded to The Upper Hutt Connection. The files will need to be hosted elsewhere. – I recommend as it is free to use. If you do wish to make income from your projects, they take a share of the profits, the percentage determined by you. – I’d like to note that I’m not employed by to promote them. I just feel it’s a very good system that they’re running.

Cheers, Ben Knowles – Editor / Operator @ The Upper Hutt Connection

Each heading links to its associated page. The game engines link to where you can download/purchase them – Rpg Maker systems link to their page on Steam.


Click here to find tutorials for the various game development programs which are out there.


Click here to find a range of tools which you may find useful when developing your projects.

Adventure Game Studio

Click here to find projects developed with Adventure Game Studio

Official Hamster Republic Role Playing Game Construction Engine (OHRRPGCE)

Click here to find projects developed with OHRRPGCE

Rpg Maker 2000

Click here to find projects developed with Rpg Maker 2000

Rpg Maker 2003

Click here to find projects developed with Rpg Maker 2003

Rpg Maker XP

Click here to find projects developed with Rpg Maker XP

Rpg Maker VX

Click here to find projects developed with Rpg Maker VX

Rpg Maker VX Ace

Click here to find projects developed with Rpg Maker VX Ace

Rpg Maker MV

Click here to find projects developed with Rpg Maker MV

Rpg Maker MZ

Click here to find projects developed with Rpg Maker MZ

Fill out the form below to submit your game/project to The Upper Hutt Connection – email any images to