Community Commentary

Community Commentary

A running commentary of any and all of your opinion pieces relating to Upper Hutt – Coarse language is censored.

If you have an opinion, please fill out the form below. Having a title for your piece is optional.

Guildford Timber Company / Upper Hutt City Council zoning change for Silverstream Spur was deliberately unmentioned in the public consultation for PC50 – Rural Review

Last night we received a reply to a Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA) request that was made after we received a copy of the letter of support to the Fast Track Bill from UHCC. Our request related to the private meeting that was held between Council and GTC on the 24th of April, and has resulted in the release of a letter from GTC to Council that is highly critical of some of the work that Council has been doing recently, in particular around PC49, where they have wound back some of the specific provisions that would allow the road/infrastructure corridor being built on the Silverstream Spur. However of greater concern is the revelation that not including the zoning change for the GTC land in the publicly notified version of PC50 was predetermined and had been discussed between Council planners and GTC. There is also much talk about costs, with GTC stating that there is a “draft term of reference developed for the rezoning between Council and GTC” with the Mayor confirming “the commitment by UHCC to fund a public plan change for the rezoning”. Leaving the GTC land out of the publicly notified version means that everyone in the community has had little opportunity to make comment on the proposal, and even less information about the affects of the proposal. If you had any lingering doubts about making a Further Submission as part of this process then we hope this information makes you consider taking part. More information about what is going on behind closed doors will be discussed at our Public meeting tomorrow night (Friday the 21st) at 7:30pm at Silverstream School Hall. We hope to see you there.

Supplied by Silver Stream Railway

Heavy Handed UHCC

Having received an infringement notice in the mail (nothing on my windscreen) for $200 for out of date WOF for my vehicle, parked in UH Mall carpark… I wrote to the Council and explained I am a pensioner and rely on my son too much to keep me up to date….and now have a current WOF…my total income is $799 per fortnight and asked if I could pay $5 pf until paid off. The reply came over a month later… must pay in full by Aug otherwise COURT ACTION will take place costing another $130…..I have never been threatened with Court Action in my life….the stress is overwhelming.

K McClelland – 20th of June, 2024

City Centre

The city centre is rundown and it has become to look like a town not a city. Empty shops and very little happening in the Mall isn’t good, something needs to be done so Upper Hutt doesn’t become a “place (city) to miss”.

P.V.T – 12th of June, 2024

Downtown Upper Hutt doesn’t give off the same excitement it used to in the 90s/Early 00s. It’s depressing and quiet. More needs to be done to support retail down main street. Seeing all these empty shops is an eye sore and gives me little, to no, reason to shop in Upper Hutt other than to eat at the Bakehouse or get my hair cut. Thank you.

ProudUpperHuttian – 6th of June, 2024