Menzshed Upper Hutt – March 2024 update

Menzshed Upper Hutt – March 2024 update

After a long and patient waiting period, the “Lady with the Lamp” has finally been repaired. This
involved major “invasive surgery” to her arm to allow the electrical rewiring to proceed. Ross
completed the task but then cosmetic reconstruction had to be done to get her back to her former
glory and Brian stepped up to complete the job. The Owner was duly impressed by the
refurbishment and her donation and morning tea was greatly appreciated by all.

Menzshed Upper Hutt

We also received an urgent request from the Upper Hutt Cosmopolitan Club (Mahjong adjunct) to
help them out by providing 16 trays for an imminent tournament. The trays proved to be a challenge
using the equipment we had, but eventually Doug/Peter and Phil H found a solution and the trays
were completed and delivered 2 days before they were needed – a close one!

This month Doug and Peter made 4 planter boxes for one of our member’s family. Whilst not too
challenging to make, they were bulky and extremely heavy. Fortunately we were able to slide the
boxes from the building to a waiting UTE, which reduced the need for too much handling.

The next task is to start the decking and ramp for Building #1. We have a quote for materials and
hopefully we can source some funding to actually start the work. We will endeavour to complete the
other buildings as soon as we can. Construction will be done by the members using the plans we

Recycling is still doing very well and continues to provide regular cash flow but it is insufficient to
fund capital projects.

On a final note, once again Peter continues to demonstrate his outstanding woodworking skills in
making this customised display stand for a local resident to hold a Wahaika. Well Done Peter!

Menzshed Upper Hutt

Menzshed Upper Hutt submitted this article to The Upper Hutt Connection.


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